As a fully accredited University devoted exclusively to the health sciences professions, highly motivated and goal-oriented students have the opportunity to enroll in the premedical post-baccalaureate coursework to enhance their undergraduate coursework and prepare for professional school. Our PHPB experience is geared toward students interested in pursuing medical, dental, pharmacy, and other focused health professional degrees. At CNUCHS learning takes place with experts in the field—not graduate assistants or teaching assistants as is often found in larger undergraduate programs. This is the school with the personal touch that helps students to achieve their dreams!
Notice: California Northstate University does NOT accept or otherwise participate in any federal direct student loan program (Title IV) funding, any federal veterans’ benefits program (Title 38) funding, or any other government student loan program funding.
Your journey to becoming a healthcare professional continues at CNUCHS! Our pre-health advisors work with our students to develop individualized learning plans in preparation to be a competitive applicant for your health professions program of choice.
Since you have already completed your bachelor’s degree, taking additional coursework at CNUCHS will help you demonstrate the ability to handle the intensity and rigor of upper division coursework in the life and social sciences as well as strengthen the foundational knowledge required to succeed in professional school. PHPB students receive personalized training as well as MCAT and DAT preparation.
To be competitive for the PHPB Pathways at the CNU College of Health Sciences, PHPB applicants are highly recommended to have a 3.2 cumulative undergraduate GPA and 3.0 BCPM GPA. When you are accepted into the PHPB Pathways, our pre-health advisors will work with PHPB Pathway students to develop individualized curriculum plans to support successful applications to health professions colleges including our own CNU professional schools.
To earn an interview with a CNU professional school, our PHPB Pathway Students will need to meet and/or exceed the established benchmarks between CNUCHS and the CNU professional school of choice. Some of the benchmarks differ between the CNU professional schools. Review which Pathways you are seeking and collaborate with your academic advisors for additional guidance. Pathway students are not restricted to applying to only one CNU Professional School! Upon meeting the required benchmarks, Pathway Students have the amazing opportunity to apply and earn an interview with as many of the CNU Professional Schools as they are interested in!
The benchmarks set the criteria for CNUCHS Pathway students to become academically prepared to apply and hopefully attend CNU Professional Schools and Graduate Programs. Pathway students who complete the rigorous academic and good conduct entry requirements of their chosen graduate school shall be granted an interview at the professional school upon completion of the CNUCHS program of study.
Selected Pathway Criteria |
College of Medicine |
College of Pharmacy |
College of Dental Medicine |
College of Psychology |
Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Master or Healthcare Administration |
Cumulative CHS GPA |
3.50 |
3.00 |
3.30 |
3.20 |
3.00 |
2.5 |
Standardized Exam Score |
MCAT: 510 |
None |
DAT: 19* & CASPer |
None |
None |
GMAT: 500; GRE 320 |
College Pre-Requisite Requirements |
* DAT: 19 AA = Academic Average, 19 PA = Perceptual Ability
Even if you ultimately choose not to attend CNU’s health professions programs, the PHPB coursework at the College of Health Sciences will provide you the necessary foundation and credentials to apply to most health professions schools elsewhere.