High School Outreach

Summer Science Program

Summer Science Program 2025

Join the California Northstate University (CNU) Summer Science Camp 2025 to develop new skills, explore career pathways, and experience life on a college campus!

  • The CNU Summer Science Camp sessions is a career exploration program designed for academically talented and motivated high school students.
  • During this week-long exploration (July 21-25, 2025), participants will engage with faculty, college students, and healthcare professionals through interactive workshops, hands-on laboratory activities, and discussions
  • Students will gain exposure to various health science career pathways while exploring contemporary challenges in these fields.
  • Topics include: hands-on nursing simulations, patient care activities, microbiology lab techniques, and an introduction to various healthcare professions.

CNU Summer Science Program participants connect with a diverse cohort of educators and interact with a group of highly motivated peers.

Tuition: High school students can enroll in a half-day week-long program for $250.00 or full-day, including morning and afternoon sessions for $450.00

Dates: July 21-25, 2025

Contact: CHS.Sciences@cnsu.edu

Online Application: Summer Science Camp 2025

Focused Interdisciplinary Research and Scientific Training (FIRST) Experience

First Experience

California Northstate University (CNU) is pleased to offer the Focused Interdisciplinary Research and Scientific Training (FIRST) experience to academically talented and motivated high school students.

This one-week immersion experience will focus on conducting interdisciplinary and collaborative scientific research at CNU’s state-of-the-art research facility located at its College of Health Sciences campus in Rancho Cordova. During this week-long immersion, participants will engage and collaborate with college students and distinguished faculty members by focusing on a novel scientific research question. While conducting research, students will participate in scientific discussions, receive training in laboratory skills, and learn about scientific rigor and methodology. The week will conclude with participants giving a professional presentation on their scientific results, with the potential for future publication of participant results. Areas of study may include environmental biology, chemical modeling/drug discovery, and molecular analysis of model organisms.

Tuition: $900 (lunch included)

Date: July 7th-11th, 2025

Contact: CHS.Sciences@cnsu.edu

Online Application: FIRST

BETC High School Teacher Professional Development Workshops

Teacher Training

The Biology Education to Careers (BETC) Program at California Northstate University is pleased to offer a series of Workshops supporting an Equipment Loan Program for High School Teachers! These 4-day Summer Workshops focus on biomolecular techniques commonly used in industry and University labsAttendance at the workshop will make you eligible to participate in the Equipment Loan Program!

Additional professional development workshops are on the way thanks to teacher feedback! We are developing trainings on team-based learning, flipped classroom engagement, collaborative group learning, case-study teaching and much more!

Tuition: Current High School teachers may attend free of charge

Dates: TBD

Contact: The BETC Team at betc@cnsu.edu

Teacher Training Workshop

College Lab Days

BETC and the CNU team offer ½ or full day on-site visits for high school science classes! If you are interested in spending the day with faculty and students at CNU doing fun hands on laboratory activities (like testing food for genetic modification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)) and talking with current college students to learn about life on a college campus, contact us today to schedule your visit!

Contact: info.chs@cnsu.edu

Science Competitions!

Information coming soon!

Prepare your best ideas! CNU is creating an annual high school science competition! Students will submit proposals for project ideas, win awards to complete their project, and ultimately present their final projects for the chance to win prizes! Check back soon for more details!