What is the TEAS exam?
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is a four-option, multiple choice, computer-based exam. There are 170 questions and test-takers are given 209 minutes to complete the exam. Please see the ATI website for more information: https://www.atitesting.com/teas/teas-exam
What content is included in the exam?
Testing areas include: Reading, Math, Science, English, and Language.
When and where can I take the TEAS exam?
https://www.atitesting.com/teas/teas-exam You will need to create an ATI account and register for a date and time. The CNU College of Health Sciences is a TEAS test site. If you would like to take the test with us, when registering, search by 'In-Person, Proctored by an Institution', then in the search by field, select 'School Name' and in the school field select 'CA Northstate University'.
I cannot find CNU BSN Direct Entry Program as one of the listed schools.
CNU is listed on the ATI registration portal as "California Northstate University." For additional instructions and assistance with creating your ATI account, please see the specific instructions given on the application requirements page.
When would you recommend taking the exam?
We would recommend taking 4-6 weeks to study for the exam using the ATI resources, but you can take the TEAS exam at any point between now and the application deadline.
How much does it cost?
The cost of the ATI TEAS proctored exam varies by where you take your exam. On average, the cost of the ATI TEAS exam is about $120 .
How is the TEAS scored?
The total score is an adjusted percent correct score which ranges from 0.0% to 100%.
What is the minimum score that CNU requires?
A minimum composite score of 65% must be achieved on the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) within the last 3 years.
How many times can I take the TEAS in one application cycle?
All applicants must complete the TEAS within the last 3 years. You can take the TEAS up to 3 times in one application cycle. We will take the highest score and apply it to your nursing application. Note: there is a 30 day waiting period in between each attempt per ATI's best practices.
What is the latest exam date that will be accepted?
The TEAS exam needs to be completed by the application deadline for the cycle in which you are applying.
How long is my exam score good for (does it expire)?
We can use your TEAS exam score for three years. After that, you will need to re-take the exam.
Is it possible to substitute the SAT/ACT for the TEAS exam?
Yes, you may also submit SAT/ACT scores to the admissions office for consideration.